Dublin 2003 - October 21-23


With the support of leading figures from the news industry, technology providers and international affairs, News World 2002 challenged, informed and entertained delegates as never before. At https://advanced-writer.com/ you can find a lot of updates related to this conference.

Final conference agenda:

Editorial sessions are marked in Blue, Technology sessions in Red, Academic Masterclasses in Green.

1800-2000 Bertie Ahern,Taoiseach of the Irish Republic, will open News World 2002 and tour the Exhibition.
Refreshments will be served during the Reception which takes place in the Pembroke Room in the main conference centre.
Conference Chair: Ronald Neil, CBE, Former Chief Executive BBC

0845-0900 Opening Address - by Bob Collins, Director General, RTE


0900-1015 Count Down to Conflict

With military action looming in Iraq, and after a year of conflict in Afghanistan, a debate about the rights and responsibilities of journalists in conflict zones. How is the media’s right to report squared with the requirements of national security? And do the authorities abuse this as
an excuse to favour the journalists who toe the line?

Ronald Neil CBE, former Chief Executive, Production, BBC

Martin Howard, Director General, Corporate Communications, UK Ministry of Defence
Mark Damazer, Deputy Director, BBC News
Vladimir Pozner, TV Presenter and Journalism Professor
Ibrahim Helal, Editor-in-Chief ,Al Jazeera TV
Ian Glover James, Foreign Desk Editor, ITN
John Sweeney, Writer/Broadcaster
Ian Ritchie, Chief Executive Officer, APTN

Pembroke Room, conference centre

1015-1100 Coffee in the exhibition area - An opportunity to explore the exhibition and network with delegates.

1015-1045 Welcome to News World: The Next Generation

Rob Brown, News World Academic Consultant.

Elgin Room, 2nd Floor


1100-1215 Bearing Witness

Is there a right answer to one of the great moral challenges facing journalists today? Should they simply report what they see to the Court of Public Opinion or go further, and give evidence in the trials of suspected
war criminals? And if they do so, are they jeopardising the safety and integrity of every reporter working in the world’s war zones?

Andrew Neil, Publisher and Broadcaster

Jacky Rowland, BBC Correspondent
Robert Fox MBE, Writer and Broadcaster
Martin Bell, Former correspondent and former UK Member of Parliament

Herbert Room, conference centre

1100-1215 Newstech Workshop 1: Acquisition - Getting the Story

The acquisition of news material is the life-blood of every news bulletin.
There is probably no area where new technology has had such a massive
impact on the way journalism is practiced, with the advent of high-speed live links enabling the audience to be live witnesses to news events. In this session we will look at the latest developments in the use of cheap camcorders, highly portable live links, satellite phones, and the transmission of material back to the studio in general. We will include
some informed predictions of what might be coming in the way of new

Produced and chaired by
Jonathan Higgins, Managing Director, Beaconseek Ltd, UK

Peter Beardow, Managing Director, 7E Communications
James Ashworth, Product Manager, Inmarsat
Nick Evansky, Director of Technology, APTN
Per Wahlberg, Vice President, Swe-Dish
Ovadia Cohen, Vice President Marketing and Sales, Tadiran Scopus

Pembroke Room, conference centre


1215 - 1315 Special Event: Documentary Showcase Screening

House of War, Diverse Productions
The first of several specially selected current affairs documentaries from around the world.

Herbert Room, conference centre


1215-1415 Lunch
sponsored by Grass Valley Group, a Thomson Brand

Club Anabel, Conference Centre


1415-1530 News World Profiles

News World brings delegates the latest and most extensive research into the news industry – the attitudes of the viewers and the changing face of what offered to them.

Richard Tait, former Editor-in-Chief ITN

Ian Hargreaves, Author New News, Old News (ITC/BSC)

Annette Groth, Head of News, NRK
Alison Preston, Co-author After September 11 (BFI/ITC)
Dr Hans Mahr, Editor-in-Chief, RTL

Herbert Room, conference centre

1415-1530 Newstech workshop 2: Desktop Tools for Journalism

In recent years we have seen a proliferation of “killer applications” become available, covering every aspect of the production process, from
video editing to graphics production. How can all of these new tools be made to work together on the desktop? How can you create a working
environment for journalists which really works? And what new developments are in the pipeline that will affect the way journalists work in the newsroom?

Ken Tiven, Founder, Intelligent Media

Eric Dufosse, Director Market Development, Thomson Grass Valley
Gareth Wright, Technical Manager, Carlton Westcountry
Roi Agneta, Chief Operating Officer, Vertigo X Media
Richard Scott, Managing Director, Pinnacle
Josh Sparks, Product Manager, Avid Technology

Pembroke Room, conference centre

 1530-1630 Coffee in exhibition area

1530-1630 Next Generation masterclass
Next Generation: Dateline Africa
Salim Amin, son of the late and legendary cameraman Mohamed Amin and now running Africa’s largest news agency, Camerapix, talks about the challenges of covering a continent as large, diverse, daunting and dangerous as Africa.

Elgin Room, 2nd Floor


1630-1745 The Newstech Debate - Hard Times?

Or is this an opportunity for reappraisal and renewal? While some manufacturers have gone to the wall, others are reacting to the current economic crisis by changing their business model and hiring in senior executives from outside the industry to do it. Is this a time for sticking to what you know best, or trusting to new thinking from industry outsiders?
Two major industry figures, both known for their outspoken and deeply held views, will debate the issues. One is a newcomer who is now running the European operations of one of the industry’s established technology vendors; the other an industry “lifer” who is in charge of charting the technology direction of the world’s largest broadcaster and has some
radical ideas on how to do it.

Paul Smirnoff, News Technology Consultant for Fox Television Network

Barry Todd, Chief Executive of Leitch Europe
John Varney, Chief Technology Officer of the BBC

Pembroke Room, conference centre

1800-1830 Documentary Showcase

In Pursuit of Liberty - Civil War in Liberia.
Camerapix, Kenya


0800-0900 Breakfast Briefing - After September 11

An opportunity to hear more from Alison Preston, co-author of the report After September 11:TV News and Trans national Audiences which analyses the output of a number of broadcasters across the world on three of the biggest news days following the attack on New York’s Twin Towers

Alison Preston, Research Centre for Television and Interactivity, Glasgow

Elgin Room 2nd Floor


0900-1015 Newstech Question Time - Challenge the Leaders

There has never been a time when technology has been changing so fast, nor when broadcasters have been under such pressure to adopt new methods in order to survive. Are these two processes working together or against each other? What are the technology issues which should be concerning the industry? Delegates from all sections of the industry get a rare chance to question manufacturers and implementers face to face.

Adrian Scott, Principal, The Bakewell House Consultancy

Sanjaya Addanki, CEO of Omnibus
Naomi Climer, Director of Professional Services, Sony
Ed Mulhall, Editor-in-Chief, RTE
Nigel Keleher, MD, Broadcast Projects International
Ken Tiven, Founder, Intelligent Media

Pembroke Room, conference centre

1015-1115 Coffee in exhibition area

1015-1100Next Generation masterclass
Next Generation: Beyond the Campus
How university media departments are taking their communications skills off campus and into the surrounding cities, turning private study into public service as part of their course work.

Elgin Room, 2nd Floor


1115-1215 Investigations - Worth the Risk?

Since the inception of News World in 1995 hundreds of journalists have
been killed or badly wounded in the course of their work, but until
recently few of their cases have been thoroughly investigated. The BBC’s
Tony Loughran, reveals the stark and often uncomfortable challenges
facing those who dare to find out why journalists die

Chris Cramer, President CNN International Networks

Tony Loughran, World Safety Manager, BBC News
Jane Kokan, Freelancer
Mark Brayne, Dart Foundation, Europe

Herbert Room, conference centre

1115-1215 Newstech Workshop 3: Transmission, Delivery, Publishing

What’s happening in the world of news delivery? How can best use be made of new technology to deliver news programming to audiences?
What are the latest developments in automation? And how can an effective service be created and delivered economically? Also, is it possible to make money from the publishing on Internet?

Jan Jorgensen and Rune Bech, Head of TV 2 Interactive, TV 2 Denmark
G Krishnan, Executive Director and CEO, TV Today India
Gary Porter, Senior Engineer, Channel 9 Londonderry
Peter Hajitofi, Managing Director, Pebble Beach Systems

Pembroke Room, conference centre

 1215-1415 Lunch

1215-1345 Next Generation masterclass
The Next Generation Debate
Are universities producing the right courses – and the right graduates – to serve the fast-changing and ever more technologically complex world of journalism? An opportunity for the educators and employers to compare notes and chart the way forward.

Elgin Room, 2nd Floor

1215-1315 Documentary Showcase
War Photographer, Christian Frei, Switzerland

1415-1530 In Harm's Way

A chance to digest the lessons learnt in this morning’s session, compare experiences and discuss how to tackle future threats – some of them now coming from high government circles – to journalists working in the world’s most dangerous places.

Bob Jobbins OBE, Chairman, Rory Peck Trust

Jane Kokan, Freelance
James Brabazon, Freelance
Adrian Van Klaveren, BBC

Herbert Room, conference centre

1415-1530 Newstech workshop 4: Media Asset & Content Management

In a digital world, management of your assets is vital. You just have to know what you’ve got, where it is, and under what conditions you are
allowed to use it. But the industry seems slow to implement Media Asset Management technology. Is this because the technology itself isn’t ready? Or are there other problems? And is it only the big broadcasters like the BBC who can afford it anyway?

Jeremy Bancroft, Managing Director, Media Systems Consulting Limited

Tony Taylor, Chairman, Trans Media Dynamics
Tiffany Hall, Head of Technology, BBC News
Tony Donovan, Managing Director of Television, Reuters
Ian Fletcher, Technical Director, Omnibus Systems

Pembroke Room, conference centre

1530-1630 Coffee in exhibition area

1530-1615 Documentary showcase screening

Four Corners
The Network, ABC Australia


1630-1745 Trust Me - I'm Rich

Are the financial scandals that stunned the business community beyond the reach of daily business journalism ? Why were most of our journalists playing “catch-up” when it is clear with hindsight that the activities of big corporations and their auditors just didn’t stack up ? Is it indeed possible to monitor their activities when the regulators cannot, or are business journalists simply dazzled by the glamour of high-flying, fast-talking CEOs?

Olivia O’Leary, Writer and Broadcaster

Professor Bronwyn Curtis, Managing Editor, Bloomberg UK
Richard Lander, Editorial Director, Citywire.Co.Uk
Malcolm Balen, TV Executive and Author
John Fryer, Director of Communications, UK FSA

Pembroke Room, Conference centre


1900 Special Event:
News World Awards
supported by Reuters
Documentary Award: Brian Lapping and Norma Percy (Brook Lapping productions) for “Avenging Terror"
Mohamed Amin Award: Mark Corcoran, Geoff Lye, Michael Cox (ABC Television, Australia) for “Foreign Correspondent:America’s Blind Eye”
Lifetime Achievement Award: Sir David Frost

News World Reception
sponsored by Reuters.com

Pembroke Room, conference centre


0800-0900 Breakfast Briefing - News World Asia

A report from News World Asia about the challenges facing journalists in the Asia Pacific region

Alexander Thomson, Director, News World Asia
David Marshall, News World Asia event director


0915-1030 Standing In The Way of Peace?

How much does the presence of the media help – or hinder – the process of negotiating peace? The Oslo accord designed to bring peace to the Middle East was concluded in total secrecy, and broke down almost immediately. Meanwhile the Good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland was thrashed out in the full glare of live coverage and has at least brought a period of comparative calm to the province. Who exploits such tense situations most cynically – the politicians or the press?

Alan Cantwell, News Anchor, TV3

Ahmad Fawzi, United Nations representative, London
Prem Prakash, MBE, Chairman, Asian News International
P.J. Mara, Former Press Secretary to Taoiseach Charles Haughey

Pembroke Room, conference centre

1030-1115 Coffee in exhibition area

1030-1115 Next Generation masterclass
Next Generation: Dodging Danger
Andy Kain, Managing Director, of the hostile environment training company AKE, on the growing dangers facing journalists trying to operate in war zones and unstable countries. Should journalism schools add survival training to the syllabus?

Elgin Room, 2nd Floor


1115-1245 The Making of Avenging Terror

To conclude both the Next Generation Masterclasses and the documentary showcase series, a screening of part one of Brook Lapping’s extraordinary account of the way George W Bush assembled the “coalition against terror,” followed by a conversation with Brian Lapping and Norma Percy on how they persuaded so many heads of state to become talking heads – and how they assembled their own coalition of
production partners to fund the project.

Patrick Stoddart, Editorial Director, News World International

Norma Percy, Executive Producer, Avenging Terror
Brian Lapping, Director, Brook Lapping Productions

Herbert Room, conference centre

1115-1245 Newstech workshop 5: System Integration and Workflow
Every newsroom project these days involves integrating systems from several manufacturers and making them all work together. How does
this work? Who takes the ultimate responsibility? What is the ideal “integrated newsroom” anyway? And who is doing what with whom in practical terms?

Tom Wragg, Director of Product Development, Autocue Systems

Niklas Krantz, Newsroom Development, SVT
Nigel Keleher, Managing Director, BPI
David McGregor, Managing Director, Television Systems Ltd
Charles Bebert, Managing Director, Kane Consultancy
Peter Ennis, Director of Operations & Technology, TV3

Pembroke Room, conference centre

1245-1415 Lunch

1415-1615 The News World Forum

The keynote conference session. This, the first annual forum, addresses what some see as the greatest threat to democratic politics since TV news began – the growing disconnect between the political class, the media and the voter. Whose responsibility is it to engage the viewing and voting public in a way that tackles the obvious disillusionment many
have with the political process? News bosses and politicians make their case, while a group of interested outsiders who watch the daily battle between media and government from the touchline bring fresh perspectives to the debate

Sir David Frost

Alastair Campbell, Head of Communications, Labour Party (UK)
Bill Wheatley, Vice President NBC News
Richard Sambrook, Director BBC News
David Mannion, Head of ITV News
Omar Beck, Al-Jazeera
David Gergen, Communications Director and Special Counsel
to three US Presidents
Peter Kosminsky, Drama and Documentary Director
Robin Cook MP, Leader of the UK House of Commons

Pembroke Room, conference centre

 1645-1700 Conference closes