Important: To be eligible, your completed submission must be received in our office by October 27, 2003.
Project Working Title:
Submitted By:
Production Company (Company Name):
Please supply a brief track record of producer and other principals. (List any relevant personal or corporate credits, awards or other relevant information) 300 Words Maximum
Have you co-produced before with a foreign country?
If yes, please name title of program, format, producer, broadcaster, country:
Project format and Length: (e.g. series, documentary, feature film, etc. / half hour ... )
Target Market:
Do you have interest or commitment from a broadcaster in your home country?
If yes, please add copy of letter of interest or first page of contract:
Do you have other financial support from either interested or confirmed parties?
If yes, please describe all support and show approximate value in US dollars:
Project Synopsis: (please include production schedule) 900 Words Maximum
Do you have a clip of this project to present?