Company Profile Submission Form All registered delegates are invited to submit a maximum 150 word company profile free of charge for publication on the HISTORY 2003 site. Please note that logos and graphics will not be accepted and the word limit must be strictly adhered to. Our event is all about creating and building relationships. Completing this form is a good way to ensure that fellow delegates have a place to go to find out the nature, background and focus of your company. To submit your profile, please complete the following form including your company name and contact information. Before you make your submission final, you will have an opportunity to review your entries to ensure that everything is correct. Please proof your submission carefully, it will be published exactly as you submit it, without further editing. You are responsible for the accuracy and literacy of your company profile, including details such as spelling and capitalization. For more information, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sarah Pearson, Communications Assistant: .